
We are Manufacturers & Exporters of Sports Wear , Fitness Wear /, Goods and Sports Gloves Contact us for more information

Frequently Asked Questions

A: Yes; All types of sports & team clothing, orders are accepted including Cricket, Soccer, Rugby, AFL, Netball, Baseball, Wrestling, Gym Wear, Tennis, hockey and many more..

A: Yes; our customers can ask to produce everything as per their desired quality and look.
There is no shipping cost within the Australia & new Zealand Region above $250 order.
A: No; there are not such extra charges except shipping.
A: Yes, Some regional areas extra fees will apply.
A: You may have options to pay through PayPal / Direct Bank / Western Union / Payoneer card Transfer
A: For all bulk orders, it takes 18-20 working days from the date order details got counter-approved by the customer with payment.
A: No problem; Please call us or send us an email with your order details, we’ll deal with that way.
A: Our discounts on prices runs automatically on our web-store in proportion to quantity per design. Please email us your details with quantity; we’ll quote you for better understanding.
A: You may add-on the order within 3 working days after the basic order has been placed and paid, where our customer services representative will help you to proceed with this.
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